Board Committees


The Board of Education has oversight of and responsibility for the school system, sets the direction in which the system must go, and establishes criteria to determine if its goals and policies are being met. The Superintendent serves as the Board of Education’s chief executive officer and educational advisor.

Buildings & Grounds Committee:
Carries on general surveillance to ensure that the district facilities are being properly maintained. The Committee reviews recommendations and discusses issues relating to repairs, maintenance, operations, additions, and/or improvements to buildings or properties, including capital projects and construction that require specific Board of Education action.
Chairperson:  Cheryl Berkowitz
Members:  Jamie Assor, Arthur White

Communications & Policies Committee:
Reviews, revises, and drafts district policy. The Committee discusses district communications and brings recommendations to add or change policies to the full Board for discussion and adoption. Board policy requires that new or revised policies have two readings before adoption.
Chairperson:  Arthur White
Members:  Jamie Assor, Virginia "Ginny" Senande

Curriculum & Technology Committee:
Acts as a forum to review current instructional materials and future options for updating those materials. Textbooks and other materials are discussed and examined for course relevance and appropriateness before being presented to the Board for approval.  They are charged with providing a districtwide compelling vision to increase district technology capacity and ensuring instructional technology programs are met.
Chairperson:  Virginia "Ginny" Senande
Members:   Jamie Assor, Louan Austin

Finance Committee:
Provides financial analysis, advice, and oversight of the district’s budget. Their sole responsibility is to ensure the Board of Education is operating with the financial resources it needs to provide programs and services to the community. The Committee discusses issues relating to the funding of the district, for the initial presentation of the budget and continual monthly review of budget transfers for the current fiscal year.
Chairperson:  Patrice Pintarelli
Members:  Cheryl Berkowitz, Virginia “Ginny” Senande

Negotiations Committee:
Represents the Board of Education in negotiations with employees and employee organizations.  The Committee reviews and approves tentative agreement(s) reached by any negotiations committee spokesperson prior to Board approval. The Board, in consultation with administrators and the Committee shall set bargaining goals and parameters for any settlement.
Chairperson:  Steven Rosini
Members:  Patrice Pintarelli, Arthur White

Personnel Committee:
Reviews and discusses work force matters such as appointments, leaves, current postings, re-hire lists, negotiations updates, staff issues and grievances, future staffing, potential non-renewals, and more.
Chairperson:  Louan Austin
Members:  Cheryl Berkowitz, Patrice Pintarelli

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