As part of the federal requirement for receiving funds
under Phase 2 of the State Fiscal Stabilization Funds Program,
all school districts in New Jersey are providing information to the
public on the procedures used to evaluate teachers and principals. The
information presented below will help you understand the River Vale
Board of Education procedures for evaluating teachers and educational
specialists such as librarians and counselors.
teachers are evaluated twice a year while non tenured teachers are
evaluated four times a year. The multiple measures of assessment enable
the District to assemble a range of evidence upon which to make
decisions about efficacy, and to ensure that student learning is at the
center of those decisions. Evaluations include narratives and
opportunities for conferences. The narrative includes comments,
commendations, recommendations, goals-progress and completion, and a
summative statement. Performance evaluation is informed through the
written paragraphs and includes specific, as well as summative
performance evaluation. Tenured Principals are evaluated formally once a
year while non tenured principals are evaluated two times a year.
concerns: To protect the confidentiality of individual evaluations,
districts are not required to provide a district-level statistical
summary of teacher evaluation outcomes in those cases where there are
fewer than 10 teachers in an entire district. Similarly, districts are
not required to provide a school-level statistical summary of teacher
evaluation outcomes if there are fewer than 10 teachers in a school. The River Vale School District employs only three principals, hence for confidentiality reasons, no data is supplied.