Immunization Requirements







3 doses


(one dose must be on or after 4th birthday)





1 dose


2 doses

3-4 doses

(one dose must be on or after 4th birthday)

4 doses


1 dose

(given on or after 1st birthday)

2 doses

2 doses


1 dose

(given on or after 1stbirthday)



Hepatitis B

3 doses

3 doses

3 doses


1 dose

(given on or after 1st birthday)

1 dose



1 dose



1 dose (annually)






1 dose

Click here for Information about the HPV Vaccine

*Tdap -For pupils entering Grade 6 on or after 9-1-08 and born on or after 1-1-97 one dose of Tdap is required. A child does not need a Tdap dose until FIVE years after the last DTP/DtaP or Td dose.

**Pneumococcal – For children enrolled in pre-school, a minimum of 1 dose is required after the first birthday.

***Influenza - For children enrolled in pre-school, 1 dose is required to be given between September 1 and December 31 of each year.

****Meningococcal - One dose of meningococcal is required for pupils entering Grade 6 on or after 9-1-08 and born on or after 1-1-97.


Medical exemptions: According to N.J.A.C. 8:57-4.3 and 4.4 a child shall not be required to have any specific immunization(s) which are medically contraindicated. A written statement submitted to the school from a physician indicating that an immunization is medically contraindicated for a specific period of time, and the reason(s) for the medical contraindication, based upon valid medical reasons.

Religious exemptions: According to N.J.A.C. 8:57-4.4, a child shall be exempted from mandatory immunization if the parent or guardian objects thereto in a written statement on official stationary submitted to the school, signed by the parent or guardian, explaining how the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with the pupil’s exercise of bona fide religious tenets or practices.

Those students with medical or religious exemptions may be excluded from the school during a vaccine-preventable disease outbreak or threatened outbreak.


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